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Image by Alex Bertha


If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via our "contact us" page or email:


Is caléna free?

Yes, all data is encrypted with bank-level security

Is my information safe?

Never! Never! Never!

Does caléna sell my data?

You have the option of connecting any of your Visa or Mastercard

Which payment cards can I use?

Creating a profile enables personalised experiences & tailored content based on your preferences and interests

Why do I need to create a profile?

Yes, as long you have registered those cards with caléna

Can I pay via Apple Pay / Google Pay?

No, caléna can only see purchases made with our partnered brands so we can verify your purchases

Can caléna see all my transactions?

"Pending" means you have made a purchase with a caléna partnered brand and we are verifying it

"Approved" means we have completed the verification process and your cashback reward has been added to your caléna wallet

Explain the cashback status

All "approved" funds can be transferred to your nominated bank account at anytime

How do I access my cashback rewards?

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